Categories: CCTV Basics

TSEYE For PC Free Download For Windows 8/10/11 & Mac OS

The TSEYE For PC App is a robust app that allows you to monitor cameras from completely different sites on a monitor. We have given you in this article a comprehensive article regarding this software. We’ve given here the transfer button for this computer CMS.

It’s given in a zipped file format. Unfasten it before going for loading. We’ve additionally illustrated here the loading process and installation process for this Wizard. We’ve given here every step.

No step has been skipped. The installation process is illustrated for Windows OS. The load button is given for Windows OS, Android OS, and Mac

What Is Content Management System?

The full form of the CMS is the Content Management System. A CMS Wizard shares a basic set of options and functions. It becomes instrumental in indexing and modifying digital content, documents, and information. 

Any CMS can record information, index them, search and retrieve them, access them, revise them, publish them, report them, etc. It shows the usability of the Wizard. 

Its relevance in the CCTV World is very prominent. It secures you and your property. It empowers you by showing so many cameras from different sites at a time, from a single screen. CMS files are often in a compressed file form. They have to be decompressed before going for installation.  

About TSEYE CMS Application

It is a Chinese application. It is a potent software that can define many security surveillance functions. The Wizard can fix picturing sharing issues. It can improve our video resolution quality and intercom systems.

It supports cloud-based recording and does interface optimization. It adds advanced settings to provide the best experience by giving advanced configuration. 

The link to the current CMS is given here in the link button. It is a squeezed kind of file. You have got to un-squeeze it to add cameras to it. This Wizard has powerful options.

It can track activity for you, record clips for you, transfer data for you, and take snaps for you. It can record sounds additionally. It will warn you to sense any suspicious activity.   

Features & Functions Of TSEYE Software

This App has varied noticeable attributes. These functions and features are exceptional. Know these attributes to use this Wizard in a better way. 

  • This application can perform exceptionally well in any network condition
  • There are various video streaming modes available in this CMS
  • It relays live videos. There is no time lag
  • It shows you real-time video.
  • The application can record activities and playback them
  • PTZ camera handling is possible with this app. It can assist you in panning, tilting, and zooming cameras from any remote position.
  • The Wizard can take snaps, show playbacks
  • It can sense activities. It can also sense motion and audio. It will send you alert messages, ring alarms for you to make you alert against suspects
  • The Wizard supports two-way audio. With its support, you’ll be able to pass any message to the person on the device side.
  • It can support you in scaring away suspects and interlopers
  • This app can be zoomed in on objects to circumstantially mark things
  • To add the device to this app, scan the QR Code
  • This Wizard uses advanced data functioning. It auto-corrects data in low network areas to produce seamless streaming

Download TSEYE For Windows OS

We are giving you here the loading button for Windows. The file is squeezed. To install it, you have to un-squeeze it before installation. We have also given in this article the installation of the TSEY app for Windows.

It has been guided here in this post to help our users through this process. It is done in three steps.

The starting step is regarding the installation of the App. The second step is regarding the login of the app. In the last and third step, we try to guide you related to connecting the device and watching the cameras.   

Load TSEYE For Mac OS

The link for the TSEYE app is given here. It is given here in a link button style. The file is encrypted. To transfer it, you have got to untangle it. After that, you’ll be able to install it.

This post suggests to you measures regarding this installation process for Windows. By following a similar pattern you’ll be able to replicate it for Apple PC. 

Install TSEYE For iPhone OS

Here, we are giving the app link for iPhone. You can load and install it for that too. Click the load button and get it. It is easy to install.

Install TSEYE For Android OS

If you want to transfer and install the app on your Android-based smartphone, then here is the method given. The installation button is given for Android Wizard. If you want to get the application on your cell phone get the app by pressing the link mentioned here.

It will take you to the google play store. Load the app and install it. After that, for adding the gadget from the Wizard, you have to scan the QR Code.

There are a few more steps between addition and monitoring. Follow the requisite steps and the device will be added. Cameras will appear on the screen.   

Installation For Windows OS

To install the app on Windows, you have got to get the Wizard on the Windows PC. The file is given during a compressed vogue. To install it, we’ve to decompress it. Thus we’ll extract the file initially. After that, we’ll run it. It is possible in 3 steps. 

Step-1 is regarding the installation of the app. The second step is regarding the Login of the application. The third step is regarding the addition of the device and monitoring of cameras

Step-1 Installation of the CMS

Here, we are going to guide you in the installation of TSEYE software for Windows OS. The link is given in a compressed file. Decompress the file by extricating it. Now take the set upset-up file and double-click it to install on the PC.

The following page will open

This page asks us about the license agreement. If you are not satisfied with the license terms and policies, click the I don’t agree on the box and cancel it.

But if you want to install the agreement, then click the I accept circle. After that press the next button.

Select the features you want to load, and press the Install button.

The installation will begin instantaneously. It takes only a few seconds to load the file. When it is installed completely, it notifies you.

Press the finish button. the installation of the app is complete.

Now, we will go for the Login of the app.

Step-2 Login to The Software

To log in to the software, double-click the app icon. The following page opens

Here, you have to give a username and a password. You can choose any username and password. Select a strong password. A strong password is a combination of alphabets with upper case, lower case, special characters, and numerical values.

You can create any username and password. Press the login button.

There are a few basic questions. Remember their answers. When you forget the app password, these answers help you recover passwords.

The Homepage opens.

This way we reach the homepage of the CMS.

Step-3 Adding Devices & Monitoring Cameras

To add the device, we will open the homepage. Open the Menu. Go for the device management icon and click it.

Fill in these details and press the add button.

This way we monitor cameras. We can add any number of devices by following the same device.


The TSEYE Wizard is detailed here. We have also shown the demonstration for its installation, login, and adding of the devices for Windows OS.

We have given here the link button for Windows, Mac, Android, & iPhone. The features and functions are also given here for the CMS.

Please share your query about this application. We will try to resolve any questions.

Thank You. 


Hi, I am a CCTV expert and have almost 10 years of experience. In past years, I worked on all kinds of surveillance technology. I love to write about CCTV and security. I also have skills in Windows software and blogging.

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  • Bonsoir, j'ai installé TSEYE sur mon téléphone et celui de ma femme sans aucun problème on y voit très bien les 4 caméras donc tout est ok. Petit bémol, quand même, impossible de garder le bouton d'alarme enclenché et de ce fait aucun signalement sur les téléphones... Pouvez vous m'aider à résoudre ce problème s'il vous plaît ?

  • I bought the security kit of 4 cameras and downloaded the app but it will not allow me to create an account it gives server error.

  • Buen día instalé un kit de 4 cámaras y en mi teléfono con Android puedo ver las cámaras solo si estoy conectado a una red WIFI, si estoy conectado a LTE no me lo permite, es un tema de configuración?Gracias

    • Tenía mismo problema, hay que borrar el equipo del celular android y añadirlo de nuevo por NUMERO DE SERIE, también, su salida a internet tiene que ser directamente por el modem, no por router ni repetidor.

      • Gracias por compartir la solución que encontraste para el software Tseye en PC. Es útil saber que en algunos casos, eliminar el equipo de la aplicación en el teléfono y luego volver a agregarlo utilizando el número de serie puede resolver problemas de conexión. Además, la conexión directa a Internet desde el módem, en lugar de pasar a través de un router o repetidor, a veces puede mejorar la estabilidad de la conexión.

        Cada aplicación y dispositivo puede tener sus propias peculiaridades y configuraciones específicas, por lo que las soluciones pueden variar según la situación. Espero que esta información sea útil para otros usuarios que puedan enfrentar problemas similares con Tseye en PC. Si tienes más preguntas o necesitas ayuda adicional, no dudes en preguntar.

  • Hi, I tried to download the TSEYE app for Windows but the file is no longer available.

    Error 404: "The requested URL was not found on this server".

    • I apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing with the TSEYE app for Windows. It seems that the download link is currently not working, showing a 404 error. Unfortunately There is a technical problem on the website due to which some software download links are not working. We are working on it, and once it is fixed, we will inform you.

  • Hi my firiend bought AHD 8 cameras system. We install the app, but after addind device camera is always offline. Then we got an idea to login first to cloud serwer, but any browser we used asking fo plugin, so we cannot get log in. On windows 10 we install plugin, but after that asking for install plugin again. So we don't know what to do really.
    Please help us.
    Kind Regards

    • For Tseye on Windows 10, if you're facing issues with the plugin repeatedly asking for installation:
      1. Ensure correct plugin installation.
      2. Use a compatible browser (e.g. Internet Explorer).
      3. Adjust browser security settings.
      4. Run browser as administrator.
      5. Check for plugin updates.
      6. Check firewall/antivirus settings.
      7. Clear browser cache.
      8. Try an alternative browser.
      Contact Tseye customer support for help.

  • Goedemorgen,
    Ik heb de TSEye app op mijn Iphone. Nu heb ik mijn wachtwoord gewijzigd en na te zijn ingelogd kom ik in de apparaatlijst. Als ik dan op het rondje met pijltje klik om zo bij de camera's te komen krijg ik de melding: inloggen mislukt, ongeldig wachtwoord.
    Hoe kan dit verholpen worden zodat ik weer de camera's te zien

    • Om het probleem met het ongeldige wachtwoord in de TSEye-app op te lossen nadat je het wachtwoord hebt gewijzigd:
      1. Controleer het nieuwe wachtwoord.
      2. Herstart de app.
      3. Overweeg wachtwoordherstel.
      4. Controleer apparaatinstellingen.
      5. Zorg voor een internetverbinding.
      6. Update de TSEye-app.
      7. Neem contact op met de klantenondersteuning van TSEye.

  • Hello
    Please help
    When adding a device with the cloud P2P, I find the following error
    Getting the Region List Failed

    • It seems like you're encountering an issue with the TSeye software for PC when trying to add a device using cloud P2P. The error "Getting the Region List Failed" indicates that the software is having trouble retrieving the list of available regions.
      1. Check Internet: Ensure a stable internet connection.
      2. Firewall/ Antivirus: Check for blocks and add exceptions.
      3. Proxy Settings: Verify correct configuration.
      4. Update Software: Use the latest TSeye version.
      5. Server Status: Check for server downtime or issues.

  • Hi i just downloaded the software, i cant find the cloud p2p option as my cameras back home are set on cloud. please advise.

  • Please help! when i install TSEYE software at last it display this message "The Code execution cannot proceed because Qt5Widgets.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
    So what can i do?