CVMS 2000 Download For PC Free Windows 10 & Mac OS

We here present one of the latest CMS applications by CP Plus known as CVMS 2000 free for CP Plus CCTV camera user clients.

CP Plus is a leading brand in international video surveillance manufacturing.

The download is available along with additional vital information related to the software with in-depth details.

The article provides every detail related to the software to help the readers and clients learn about the functions and features, installation guide, and other necessary details for the user clients.

The article has briefly described every aspect of this CVMS 2000 Download CMS client in detail to help the user clients connect their CP Plus security camera to a PC or smartphone.

The video surveillance industry has transformed rapidly by inventing newer surveillance technology for the potential as well as existing customers and clients to improve the security of the people and their premises as well.

CVMS 2000 CMS App (Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac OS)

We have provided the application’s download for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS operating systems. The download link of the app is provided in detail below for PC as well as the smartphone operating system.

The article here renders details about the application installation process, in brief, to help them connect the CCTV camera to the PC or smartphone.

Logo of CVMS-2000
Logo of CVMS-2000

Read the article completely to learn more about the application’s details to learn more with in-depth knowledge.

We are dedicated to helping our clients and readers to learn in detail about the application. 

What is CVMS 2000 Software?

The CP Plus has developed and rendered software to connect and operate the CCTV cameras on a PC known as CVMS 2000.

The application is available for free in the market to help users connect their security devices easily on a PC. The details of the application are available in the article below. 

Information About The Features & Functions Available in The CMS

We elaborate on the details of the application’s features to help our readers and clients learn in detail about the characteristics.

We have listed the function in detail for our clients to help them learn more about the application without any difficulty.

  • Provides real-time live streaming on the network.
  • Access the playback of the video.
  • Manual video and audio recording.
  • PTZ control.
  • Add the device using IP address, the serial number of the device or the QR code.
  • Provide Alarm push notification.
  • Enables to take snapshots and search using an image.
  • Enables the user to communicate with others.

Details About The Minimum System Requirements of the CVMS 2000

We provide the details of the minimum system requirement to help the clients install and download the application on the best operating system which meets the system requirements.

The details of the application’s system requirements are described below.

Recommended & Minimum System Requirement for PC

Recommended System Requirement for PC

Minimum System Requirement for PC

Ø     Operating System – Windows  10 or macOS.

Ø     Operating System – Windows 7

Ø     Intel Core i5 7th Gen or later.

Ø     Intel Core i3 5th Gen

Ø     4 GB RAM or Above is required.

Ø     2 GB RAM is required

Ø     240 MB of free space is required on the hard disk.

Ø     240 MB of free space is required on the hard disk.

Recommended & Minimum System Requirements for Smartphones

  • Operating System – Android 5.0 or iOS 9.3.
  • 80 MB of free space is required.
  • Version of the Application – 3 (Android) & 2.6 (iOS)

CVMS CMS App (Windows 11/10/8/7)

Get for free to connect the CCTV cameras on the application to keep better surveillance on the user premises and improve the security of the premises, family, and office staff without any difficulty. The download is available for free below in this section of the article.

CVMS Software (Mac OS)

The app is also available for Mac OS user clients to assist them in connecting and keeping surveillance without any difficulty. The download is available for free to Mac OS user clients. Get the CMS now from the link provided below.

CVMS App (Android)

Here we provide the download of the application for Android smartphone users. The company has taken care of the smartphone user as well to help them connect their CCTV camera to their PC.

The application is available to download from the link provided below.

CVMS App (iOS)

As we mentioned above the company has taken care of the smartphone users as well. It renders the application for the iOS operating system to help the iPhone user connect their CCTV camera on their iPhone and iPad. The download link is provided below.

Installation Procedure of The CMS Described In Detail

To start the installation of the software first download and extract the downloaded file using file compression software. Then open the extracted file and click on the installation extension to start the installation process on the PC.

1. Installing The App

When the installation starts, a window will appear on the screen to select the language in which the user wants to operate the application. Then click on the option “I have read & understood the Terms of Agreement & Licence” with the tick option. After this click on the “Next” button.

Select the language of the CMS
Select the language of the CMS

Then select the function to install by selecting the option “cVMS-2000” with a tick mark as shown in the image below. Then click on the “Next” button to proceed.

Choose the function to Install
Choose the function to Install

Now select the installation destination folder by clicking on the “Browse” button or leave it as default. Then click on the “Install” button.

CVMS 2000 Installation directory
CVMS 2000 Installation directory

The installation will start, wait for the completion of the process.

Process of installation
Process of installation

When the installation is completed, select the option “Run cVMS-2000” then click on the “Finish” button to proceed.

Installation of the application is completed successfully
Installation of the application is completed successfully
2. Logging into the VMS client

When the application starts, the Windows firewall security alert window will appear on the screen. Select all the options to provide access to the software.

Then click on the “Allow Access” button.

Allow firewall access to the app
Allow firewall access to the app

The Login window will appear on the screen, enter the default username and password. Then click on the “Login” button.

Default Username – admin

Default Password – admin

Logging into the software
Logging into the software

The home page of the app will appear on the screen. Click on the “Device” button to add the device.

Home Page of the CMS
Home Page of the CMS
3. Add the device to the Software

To add a device first click on the “Add” button. Then device details such as device name, type of login, IP address, port, username, and password. Then click on the “OK” button.

Add devices to the App
Add devices to the App

When the device is added successfully, go to the home page of the software and click on the option “Live View” to get the live streaming of the security camera.

Live view is ready
The live view is ready
4. Live view on CVMS 2000 App for Windows & Mac OS

Now double-click on the added device and the live view will appear on the screen. We have provided the sample live view of CVMS 2000 for Mac & Windows OS.

CVMS 2000 for Windows
Live view on CVMS 2000


We have provided the details on the topic in detail to help our clients and readers learn about CP Plus’s CMS software with in-depth knowledge related to it. The article has described every important and vital aspect of this CMS to the readers to help them learn more about the application briefly.

We have dedicated to providing every vital and valuable knowledge regarding the software such as features and installation process to the readers to help them connect their CP Plus security camera to this app with easy steps and methods.

We have also described the features in detail for our readers to learn more about this application.

We hope the information rendered here by us is helpful for the CCTV camera user clients. For any doubts or queries regarding the application contact us in the comment section below.

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