Download Bawcon For PC Free Windows 7/8/10 & macOS

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Get the details and knowledge related to the Bawcon for PC. The clients to help the users to provide the information to help them connect and download the application to help the user clients in accessing the live video streaming from the CCTV camera. The details are provided below in the article with brief knowledge about its functions.

The article has been rendered along with the link to download the free application for PC and smartphone users. The details are provided with the information to help the clients in installing the video surveillance application along with other information related to the functions and capabilities of the software.

We have also rendered other useful information about the application’s installation procedure to help the user clients in connecting their video surveillance camera on their PC without any technical difficulty. The download of the CMS software is provided below in the article.

What is Bawcon CMS?

Logo of Bawcon CMS Application
Logo of Bawcon CMS Application

Cenova Bilisim Teknolojileri Company provides this CMS software to help the Cenova security solutions and products. This software helps the user in connecting and controlling the video surveillance on a PC or smartphone without any technical difficulty.

Functions’ Details Related To The Bawcon CMS

This section of the article deals with the information related to the app’s functions and capabilities performed by the CMS on the Windows and Mac PC without encountering any kind of error. The details are provided on WordPress to help them build an amazing WordPress.

  • Get access up to a 16 channels view.
  • Get video streaming in real-time.
  • Connect devices with IP address or P2P.
  • Alarm push notification is also available.
  • It is also equipped with fisheye control.

Download Bawcon For PC Free Windows 7/8/10 & macOS

We are glad to render the software for the installation on Windows and macOS clients to help them in keeping surveillance on their premises. The links are provided for the respective operating system below in the article for user clients. Here we have also provided information related to the detailed guidelines. 

Apart from this information related to the application’s installation for the user clients to help the users to connect and access the video streaming in real-time on the PC. The details are provided below in the article for CCTV camera users. Get the download of the application for free for the respective operating system of PC or smartphones.

Download Bawcon CMS Software for Windows & macOS

We have here to provide the download of the application to install and connect the Cenova CCTV camera on their PC without any error or problem. We have also ensured to render the installation of the CMS on Windows as well as Mac OS. The software is provided in compressed format.

Apart from the installation of the software, we have also provided the render information about the application’s installation process with details about the installation of the CMS without any difficulty. The details are rendered below in the article for the Windows and macOS user clients.

Install Bawcon CMS App for Smartphone (Android, iPhone/iPad)

The application is ready to be installed on Android smartphones, iPhone and iPad to help and assist the clients in connecting the users to access the CCTV camera live on their mobile phones. Apart from the download, we have also rendered the details about the system requirements of the application for a different operating system to help the clients in connecting the CCTV camera for PC.

Read the information carefully before deciding to install the CMS. The link is provided below for the installation of the application of the CMS client software on Android Smartphones, iPhones and iPad. The link is provided for the Android and iOS platform. Click on it to proceed to install the app.

Steps To Install Bawcon Software For PC (Windows/Mac OS)

As we have mentioned earlier, we have illustrated the process of the installation with images to help the clients in connecting the security devices on the application installed on their PC. Just follow the steps provided in the illustration below.

STEP 1 – Begin The Installation Wizard of Bawcon CMS

Follow the illustrated method below in the image for installation. Double-click on the file shown below to start the installation.

Double-click on the application file to start installation
Double-click on the application file to start the installation

Software setup will begin with turkish language, therefore the steps carefully, Click on the “Next” button.

Click "Ileri (Next)" to Proceed
Click “Ileri (Next)” to Proceed.

Then select the folder to install the files of the CMS software on the PC. And then click on the “Next” option to proceed.

Select the folder to save file or just click on "Ileri (Next)"
Select the folder to save file or just click on “Ileri (Next)”

Click on the “Install” to begin the setting up of the CMS.

The application is ready for the installation, click on the "Yukle (Install)"
The application is ready for the installation, click on the “Yukle (Install)”

The progress of the installing of software on PC.

Progress of the Bawcon CMS installation
Progress of the Bawcon CMS installation

The CMS installation of the software is successful click on the “Finish” button to proceed.

Select the option to run the CMS and click on the "Son (Finish)" to finish the installation
Select the option to run the CMS and click on the “Son (Finish)” to finish the installation

STEP 3 – Register & Login Into Bawcon CMS

First register the username and password. Then proceed by click on the “Register” button.

Create a username, new password and click on "Olustur (Register)"
Create a username, new password and click on “Olustur (Register)”

Provide firewall access to the application by selecting all the options. Then click on the “Allow Access” button.

Grant the Windows Firewall access to the application
Grant the Windows Firewall access to the application

Here the software login screen will appear on the PC. Enter the username and password and click on the “Login” button.

Enter the login details and click on "Giris(Login)"
Enter the login details and click on “Giris(Login)”

STEP 3 – Change Langaue of CMS Operation

Here we will guide the users to change the language of the software according to their desire. Follow the steps illustrated the below.

From Home Tab go to "Temel Ayar (Basic Config)" to change language of the software.
From Home Tab go to “Temel Ayar (Basic Config)” to change language of the software.

Click on the option as shown to change language and click on the “Save” option.

Select the language for CMS and click on "Kaydet (Save)" and the app will close.
Select the language for CMS and click on “Kaydet (Save)” and the app will close.

STEP 4 – Add The Live Device To The Application

Now go back to home tab to link the devices. Click on the option Resource Manager to add devices.

Restart the app to apply the language change to the software.
Restart the app to apply the language change to the software.

The device manager will appear on the screen, click on the “Add Device” as shown below in the article.

Go to Resource Tab and add the surveillance devices
Go to Resource Tab and add the surveillance devices.

Enter the device credentials and data to add it on CMS. Then click on the “Save” button.

Enter the device credential such as IP address, port, device name, username and password.
Enter the device credential such as IP address, port, device name, username and password.

STEP 5 – Access Live Video Streaming From CCTV Camera

To access the live video streaming on the software go to the Home tab and click on the Realtme Video option.

Go to home tab and click on the Realtime Video to access the CCTV camera.
Go to home tab and click on the Realtime Video to access the CCTV camera.

Below is a sample screenshot of the live CCTV cameras on the app.

Bawcon for Windows
Double-click on the added device to access video streaming live from CCTV camera on Bawcon for Windows and macOS


The application “Bawcon For PC is one of the best CMS clients for the Cenova security solutions and products to help them in connecting and establishing a secure surveillance setup. The software is equipped with many advanced functions and capabilities required to provide an advanced security solution.

We ensured to provide the details related to the installation of the application to help the clients in connecting their CCTV camera setup on the app without any technical difficulty. We have also ensured to render the details about the installation of the CMS along with the illustrated images to guide the process more properly.

We hope the article rendered by us is helpful in setting up the Bawcon Software on Windows and macOS. Get more assistance and help by commenting on the problem or question in the comment section of the article provided below.

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