Free Download MXPRO For PC (Windows 7/8/10) & Mac OS

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MXPRO For PC is a CMS Wizard. Here, in this article, we will impart information on, downloading, and installation processes regarding the application. It is a CMS Wizard that connects different gadgets with it. We will give you here the downloading and installation of the app for Windows OS, Mac OS, and Android OS.

They are given in the download button format. You need to click them and get them for your PCs and Smartphones. It is given in a compressed file form. You need to un-squeeze it before going to load it on PCs. We have shown the complete downloading and installation process for Windows OS at length.

It is given in a sequential form here. Not a single step is omitted. You follow these steps and you will be able to do on your Windows PC. It is easy to understand and execute.

Nowadays security cameras are installed at different locations and their monitoring is done from some other places. This thing has been made possible through CMS Wizard-type software. Every company has designed a CMS application for their devices. 

What Is A CMS and What Is Its Advantages?

A Content Management System(CMS) is programming that can alter, adjust, keep, and move given information. It assists to track numerous devices installed at different locations and helps you view them from one location. It gives you command in your hand. You get supervision of all the places from your office.  

It is exceptionally favorable as it allows us to see different cameras from a distant area. It saves our energy and time. It also saves supervision costing as we are at the helm. It keeps track of all activities. We can playback, take snaps, and communicate through the app. 

What Is A MXPRO For PC Software?

 It is a CMS application that is designed and marketed by ALT software. This organization produces security surveillance products, access systems, apps, etc. This application can show you various cameras on the following terms. It can show you more than 250 cameras on the screen at a time.


This application is accessible for Windows OS and Android OS. This app file is in a compressed file format. You have to decompress it for loading and installing on the PC.

The complete downloading and installation process for MXPRO Application for Windows OS has been demonstrated here.

The step-by-step process is given here. You will get an idea to do it yourself. 

Highlights Of MXPRO For Windows and MXPRO For Mac

This application is magnificent in viewing gadgets from far-off areas. The MXPRO qualities are many. We are going to discuss some of its features. These are some of the benefits. 

  • It is easy to set up the app and introduce it for surveillance. 
  • It gives us live video. There is no time lag. It gives us real-time monitoring and video files.
  • It can do recordings, playback them, track actions, and take snaps or record them
  • You can access the software from any remote location
  • The sensor can distinguish movement and action. It can send you message pop-ups when detecting any suspicious activity. It also sends us alarm on dubious activities
  • The two-way audio is for passing any message across to the individual on the gadget end. It can likewise be utilized to chase away any danger on the camera end by shouting or raising alerts.
  • The resolution it emits is super high quality.
  • The MXPRO for PC gives ultra-low bit-stream, multi-picture monitoring, voice intercom, digital zoom
  • It can work with a PTZ camera from the observing area. You can pan, slant, and zoom the gadget for better viewing

Download Free MXPRO For Windows OS

Here, you will get the download button for Windows OS. You can get it by tapping the download button. It is given in a squeezed format. You need to un-squeeze it to load and install it on your PC. The process to install it is given point by point. No point has been missed.

You go step by step to get it. After the installation part, you need to sign in to the CMS. For it, you have to have a user name and a password. Sometimes they are given by the app manufacturer and sometimes you have to create them.

Whenever you have signed in the User name and password, then, you can log in and get the home page of the app. Now, go for adding the device.

Free Download For MXPRO For MAC OS

In this part, you will get the information regarding loading and installation for Mac OS. The app is not given for Mac OS. If you want to use it on Mac operating system, then you have two options.

Either you can download and install the Android OS with the help of BlueStacks, or you go for installing Windows OS on the Macintosh PC. This way you can monitor cameras on your OS with the help of MXPRO.

Free Download For MXPRO Application Android OS


The Android OS is for our cell phones. To get it, we need to download the application and run it on our android smartphone. This application is available on the google play store. Proceed to look there for the “MXPRO App.” For adding the gadget you need to scan the QR Code. Add the device by following the instructions.

How To Install MXPRO For Windows OS For Monitoring?

The installation process is simple. The first and foremost thing is to extricate the file. Once you get it right, go for the downloading and installation. The next step would be logging in to the CMS. And the last part would be to add the device.  

Step-1 Installation Of The MXPRO Application

To install this application, we have to double-click the MXPRO icon. It will open this window for you.


Select the language. Here we have selected the English language. After that press the Next button.


Now, this window is telling you to get ready for the installation. If you are ready to install then press the next, otherwise press the back button. Here we press the next button.


Give a path to the CMS where you want to install this application. After that press the next button. It will alert you that the application is going to be installed.


The moment you press the next button, installation begins.


It begins to empty contents on your selected folder. Once it empties all its content, the installation part is over. It will open a new page for you that will inform you that the installation is successful.


Press the ‘Finish’ button.

Now we will move to the next level. Here we will be Logging In.

Step-2 Login To The Software

For it to log in, again we have to choose the language in which we want to log in to this application.


Select the language and press ‘OK’. The login process begins now.


Here, by default, the username is “super”. There is no password. You can create a password for yourself. You can also take any other username of your choice if you want.


Once you logged in, the following page will open for you. To monitor cameras on this application, now you have to add the devices. You can add multiple devices with the same process.

Step-3 Add The Device & Monitor Cameras

To add the device we have to click the ‘Add Device’ column from the homepage. The following page will appear.


Here you will have to give the device name, Put in the IP address, fill in the port of the device, give the username and password and then press the ok button.

The cameras connected with that device will come on your screen.


Your monitoring starts. It gives you control.


Here in this article, we have given a detailed analysis of the MXPRO application. It is given here for Windows OS and Android OS. The download links are given. It has been explained with diagrams for Windows OS.

It can work on Windows 7/8/10. For Mac OS monitoring the process has also been narrated. Hope it serves your purpose.

Please respond and guide us so that we can give you better insights.

Thank You.

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