Download Free Promes For Windows 8/10/11 & Mac OS

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Promes For Windows is an application that helps us watch CCTV Cameras from far-off regions. Here, in this article, we will give you everything concerning this CMS Wizard. It additionally lets us know how it will be valuable for our security and observation.

Here, we’ve given everything in regard to this CMS wizard. It is extraordinarily useful for Windows OS and Android OS. With its help, we can screen any gadget from a distant space. This application is given in a zipped file form. You have to unzip it before installing it on the PC.

We have given here everything about the installation part. It is given here point by point. You have to go through it attentively. Promes is a smart and latest programming application that makes us watch various areas from one region.

How Does A CCTV CMS Function?

The CMS is an application that is expected to screen cameras on PCs. Its full form is Content Management System(CMS). A CMS can do various activities. It can archive, modify, store, record, and transfer data.

You can use it for full protection. It has the potential and power to give maximum security by its modern features.

Suppose the case that you are the owner and you have 9 sites. These 9 sites are at different locations. You want to cover all these sites. Every site is being monitored by 15 cameras.

It means there is a total of 135 cams that need to be monitored. You want to view all these devices from your office that is in a different area. It can be made possible through a CMS Wizard. A wizard can show you more than 300 cams remotely.

What Is Promes For PC Application?

This application is planned and showcased by a Promes. pro organization. It is a Turkish corporation, deals in CCTV cameras, appliances, and software. 

This CMS application is given here in a squeezed interface button structure. You have to un-squeeze it before stacking it and introducing it on your PC. For this application, the all-out installation process is given.

It is done in three exceptional ways. In the following discussion, we have displayed the installation part. The first step is about the installation of the app, in the second step, we have guided you to sign in to the Wizard. In the third step, we have shown you to add gadgets and watch cameras.

Features And Functions Of Promes CMS

This application has various attributes. A few prominent features have been given here. These highlights and advantages are important to know.

  • Promes For Windows 11The application offers a live relay with nonstop transmission
  • There is no delay in the action. It transfers consistent data. It means there is a smooth relay of videos 
  • There is no gap in actual happening and video relaying 
  • It has the most noteworthy resolution quality. The image quality given by this application is sharp. It offers clear pictures.
  • The application supports two-way audio.
  • The two-way audio helps in conveying any message to the person who is on the camera side
  • The two-way audio is furthermore helpful in driving off suspects and gatecrashers from the camera side. You can yell them off 
  • The App supports “Sensors” technology. These sensors function like a human mind. They can identify motions and sounds.
  • Whenever it detects any dubious movement and sound, it sends pop-up messages to the client. It alerts you against any dubious activity.
  • You can set pre-defined zones for sensitive areas. 
  • Whenever the interloper enters those zones, the application alerts you by ringing alarms and pushing messages to you
  • It can save a recording, assist you in showing the playbacks, take snaps for you, and give you unquestionable security.
  • This application helps you in accessing the device from any remote area. 
  • You can make the application online effectively and get devices from far off locations

Download Promes For Windows OS

Here, you will get a download button for this application to play on Windows OS. It’s given here in a compact model. you have to de-compress the file first. Click the button and procure it. Here you will also get the complete installation process.

Every step has been covered with images. It is shown in three steps. The first step is installation. the second step is about logging in. The third step is about device adding. Click the link to get it.

Download Promes For Mac OS

Here, the software offers no application for Macintosh PC. So on the off chance that you want to see Promes on Mac, then you have to load Windows On Apple PC. You can also load Android in place of Mac OS. This is possible by taking the help of a cross-platform app, or an Android Emulator app. 

Download Promes For Android OS

To introduce this application on Android OS, you have to tap the download button given underneath. This application is given on the google play store. You can get the app and install it.

After it, you have to add the device by scanning the QR code. Scan it and follow further instructions. The device will be added. 

Install and Add The Device On Windows OS

Here, we will guide you to install the application for Windows OS. This cycle is given in full detail equipped with pictures. It is done in three fundamental steps. They are installing, logging, and device connecting. Let’s begin with the first step.

Step-1 Installation Of The Application

To install the app on Windows operating system, press the setup button. The file is in compressed form. Decompress it first and then load it. It opens the following window.

Promes For Windows 1

The app welcomes you. It also suggests you not load anything else when installing the software. Press the next button.

Promes For Windows 2

The app is asking you to define the path and the folder. Select the location and give a path to it. After that press the next button. It will take you to the next level.

Promes For Windows 3

This page is a kind of recap page. It gives you the detail about your selection. Press the next button to reach the next level.

Promes For Windows 4

The installation begins. When it is finished installing, it notifies you. After the notification, you can be confirmed that the installation is properly done.

Promes For Windows 5

Press the finish button. This way the installation part is complete.

We will move to the second step now. This step is about logging in to the application.

Step-2 Log In To The App

To log in to the application, we will click open the installed software. The following page opens.

Promes For Windows 6

This page requires connecting with the homepage of the CMS. By default, the username and password are suggested by the organization.

Username- admin 

Password – (No Password)

Press the sign-in button. The following page opens.

Promes For Windows 7

It is the homepage of the Wizard. This way we go for the login.

After it, we go for the last step of the monitoring process.

Step-3 Adding The Device & Monitoring Cameras

To monitor the camera, we have to add the device. To do that we open the Homepage of the Wizard. After that go for the manual device management option. The following window opens for us.

Promes For Windows 8

Here, fill in the device name, the IP address, port number, username, and password. After putting them, press the Add button. This way we connect to other devices. Cameras appear on the screen for those devices that are connected with the app.

Promes For Windows 9

This way we connect cameras and do our monitoring.


Promes For Windows is a Turkish company CMS Wizard. It is a CCTV monitoring app that can connect many devices with it and give us access from any remote location.

This Wizard is given here. Its download button and installation process are deeply explained.

If you find any issue in loading this software and installing it, please let us know. We would love to solve the problem for you.

Thank You.

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