Hikvision firmware update tool.How to update hikvision firmware

Hikvision firmware update tool. In order to update the firmware, Hikvision provides some good tools. Here we are explaining how to use hikvision firmware update tool. We explain two methods here. Before starting, let’s know, what is firmware and why we update the device firmware.

What is firmware?

Basically, Firmware is a program written in hardware of the device in order to make the device functional. It saved in the read-only memory of the device and can be randomly accessed by the device. In simple words, it is like the BIOS system of the computer. Firmware is installed by the manufacturer at the time of manufacturing to provide an interface for the user.

Why we update the firmware.

To understand why we update the firmware understand why we update the android version of our mobile. Obviously, To get more features. In a similar way, we want to get more new features into all devices so we will update the firmware of the device. instead of this, sometimes we found the device is not working properly due to some error firmware or sometimes firmware has crashed so in that case also we have to update the firmware of the device.

Hikvision Firmware Update Tool

Mainly, there are two tools provided by hikvision.

1. Batch update tool.

By using this tool you can update the firmware of more than one device at the same time.

2. Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) tool

The second one is TFTP tool, this is mainly used when we want to flash the IP devices. Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is old technology and easy to use.

Download Hikvision Firmware Update Tool

Batch Update Tool

Download TFTP Tool 

Hikvision Device Firmware Download  (Select according to your device only)

Hikvision Firmware update using Batch Tool

Step 1:

Download the setup file of Batch Tool using the given link in the download section. Install it on your local computer. Now connect your device to the computer. (In case, You do not know  How to connect DVR to computer).

Now run the setup on the computer and your device will show you in the software like in the picture

hikvision firmware update tool

Step 2:

Select the device which you want you to update and click on add button as shown in above picture. It will ask you to put a password. Just enter the device password and click ok. Now the device will come in the upper section as shown in the picture below. Please notice that password should be correct.

hikvision firmware update tool

Step 3:

Select the device from the upper section and click update button as shown in the picture below

hikvision firmware update tool

Step 4:

It will ask you to a firmware file which is stored in the first step. Just give it the path of that file and that’s it.

hikvision firmware update tool

Step 5:

Wait for until process is complete. After completing the processing device will restart and now you got updated device.

hikvision firmware update tool

Hikvision Firmware update using TFTP

Step 1. 

Download the TFTP Tool and the firmware (Hikvision Device Firmware Download )for your device.

Extract the TFTP tool using Winrar at the root of the hard drive.

hikvision firmware update tool

Step 2.

Connect the device to your computer via Lan cable. please make sure them at the same network series (using cross line connect the device to PC or using the switch).

Step 3.

Put the firmware in the same directory where TFTP exe file placed. In my case D: TFTP. Now run the exe file on the computer(do not need to install). Please make sure firmware’s language is same as the device language.

hikvision firmware update tool

Step 4.

Alter the computer IP address to and subnet mask is 255.255.255. 0.

hikvision firmware update tool

Step 5.

After the above setting, Reboot the IP device, and the automatic tool can detect the device, and update.

hikvision firmware update tool
Disclaimer: This is only for educational purpose. Do it at your risk. cctvdesk.com will not take any kind of responsibility. In above some picture are outsources and these are third party images

This is all about how to use Hikvision firmware update tool. We hope this information is helpful to yours. If you have any query or suggestion please write us in the comment box.

5 thoughts on “Hikvision firmware update tool.How to update hikvision firmware”

    1. you need to email at the customer support id the detail on your device i.e current date and the serial number of the device and they send you a code for resetting the password. Thank you for contacting us.

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