Install HSP2P Camera For PC App on Windows 10/11 & Mac OS

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The HSP2P Camera For PC is a security surveillance software. It is used to connect different CCTV cameras installed at various sites. The HSP2P Camera For PC CMS software adds cameras and allows them to monitor from remote locations. 

This HSP2P App is easy to install and operate. The complete installation process is given in this video. The illustrative images and narrations are mentioned in this video. Even a layman can easily understand the steps. 

The configuration of the HSP2P Camera For Windows App is also described. The logging to the app and the device addition steps are demonstrated. These are given to make understand users how to get this software and install it for monitoring from their locations.

The download button is additionally given for users and readers. The download button contains this HSP2P Camera For PC CMS App. You have to click the button and get the file.

The file is given in a compressed form. You have to decompress these files for downloading and installation.

What is CMS Software for PCs?

A CMS software for PCs is an application for security surveillance. It adds different HD cameras and IP cameras with the CMS App and helps users monitor them from remote locations. 

The HSP2P Camera App for PC is highly helpful. It gives liberty to users. The software is accessible from any location. The user does not have to be at their sites all the time for monitoring. 

These CMS Applications are rich in features. They give users different viewing opportunities. 

They are sensor-driven. They can alert users and help them communicate with the person on the device side. 

These are only glimpses. All in all the introduction of security surveillance apps has raised the level of security and protection.

What is HSP2P Camera For PC CMs Software? 

App Android 26

The HSP2P Cam App is a tremendous surveillance app. This application is highly useful for remote watching. 

There are more than 1 lakh users who use this application. They benefit from it. There are more than 1,00,000 subscribers of the software. It has been downloaded by over 1 lakh users.

The HSP2P Camera For PC App is available for Android and iPhones. However, we are giving it here for Windows PC and Mac PC.

The beauty of this application file is that it can connect to third-party cameras. There are only a few apps which are so vastly used. It has all the latest features and functions. Any CCTV user loves to use this application.

Features & Functions of HSP2P Camera For PC CMS App

The HSP2P Cam software has remarkable features. It is important to know their functions. When you know these features and functions, you are better positioned to use the app. 

We are giving here the prominent characteristics of this software. 

logo 25

  • This file gives you live images. There is no time lag between the image’s appearance and its relaying.
  • The footage is clear and the images are clean. You can find every detail.
  • The advanced network features maintain the continuity of the video even in low networking areas. If the network goes down in some remote area, the app adjusts the downloading frequency and continues relaying live videos.
  • You are always connected with your locations. 
  • This CMS adds HD and IP cameras. It connects third-party cameras also. So, irrespective of your device company, this application file gives you proper surveillance.  
  • It supports the 2-way audio. You can communicate with a person on the other end of the device. 
  • This two-way communication is also useful in alerting people on the device side. If the user sees anything suspicious on the screen, they can alert others by shouting at the suspect and crying a message.
  • The sensors are highly sensitive. They detect motion and audio. 
  • This motion detection feature tracks dubious people and their activities. If anything suspicious is found the app sends users alert messages and signals. 
  • Push messages and alarms keep users in a concerned state, thus protecting and securing people and property.
  • It gives you multi-screen viewing. Many users can monitor from different locations. 
  • You can add the camera manually or by using the QR code. It makes the device addition extremely easy. 
  • You can customize camera names thus ordering them and recognizing them on the screen becomes easier.
  • The app supports remote playback watching. You can watch playbacks and take snaps from your remote areas. 
  • The software screen supports mirroring and flipping. 
  • The app supports the SD Card recording and the Cloud server recording.

These are some of the best features of this software.

Download the HSP2P Camera For Windows App on Windows PC

We have to click the download button to download and install this application on Windows OS. The application download button is given here. 

The files are in a squeezed format. Unsqueeze the files and then run them to download and install on Windows. 

The complete installation, logging, and device addition processes are given in the next section. 

Get the executable file and install the HSP2P Camera For Windows Software.

Download For Windows

Download HSP2P Camera For Mac App on Mac OS

This CMS application given here is for Windows OS. But if you want to download this file on a Macintosh PC, then you have to take the support of BlueStacks App. 

The BueStacks App supports all the Android software on Mac or Windows. Install the BlueStacks and then install the HSP2P Camera App. 

This way you will be able to get this HSP2P Camera for Mac application on your Macintosh PC. 

Install HSP2P Camera for PC CMS & Add Devices for Monitoring on Windows OS

The steps are given here. It is given here in three different steps. The first step is the downloading and the installation part. The second step is optional.  

It gives you options to keep a separate ID and password or else by default, you reach the homepage of the application.

The third step guides you to add the devices and monitor them on a Windows screen.

Let’s begin with the step number 1.

Step-1 Install the HSP2P Camera Software on Windows  

This step teaches us to load and install the file.

App language setup 1

Select the language. Here, we have chosen English as the basic software language. After that press the ok button for the next window.

Choose the folder location 2

 The new page appears. This page is for choosing the destination of the folder. You have to select a path here.

After that press the next button for the next course of action.

select the menu folder 3

After selecting the file path, select the downloading and installation shortcuts in the start menu folder.

Press the next button now for the next page.

select the features you want 4

Select the additional task and shortcut button options. This way it will give you icons on the screen.

Click the next option. This page surfaces

the app is ready to install 5

This page notifies all the selected features so far. If you have to make any changes, you can or else press the install button. The moment you press the button, the loading of the app begins.

app is loading 6

As it is visible, the application is loading. When it finishes downloading, you get a new window intimating you about it.

app installed successfully 7

This window confirms that the installation process is over. This way step 1 is complete.

Now we move to step 2. It is about logging into the app.

Step 2- Logging to the Application

After the installation, when we open the installed app by default it directs us to the homepage of the file.

software home screen 8

This is the homepage of the software. It opens by default.

If you want to protect your system, you can create your ID and Password by going to the settings option.

The Company does not provide any specific ID and password.

Step-3 Device Addition & Monitoring

When you reach the homepage press the “system” option as shown below.

software home screen system option highlited 8a

When you click this sytem option it asks you to add the devices.

Add IPs to various cameras 9

Mention the IP address to add the cam manually. You can add as many cams as possible.

After that, the cameras appear on the screen and you can monitor your locations.

Watch cameras on the screen 10.

Cams are on the Windows screen. Monitor from anywhere.


The HSP2P Camera For PC App is described here. The download button of the software is categorically shared for readers and users.

The installation process is extensively mentioned with images for clear understanding. The link to the application and the device addition steps are demonstrated. These can be easily comprehended by going through them.

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