Download Free GoldnetHVR for Windows 8/10/11 & Mac OS

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GoldnetHVR for Windows is a security surveillance CMS Wizard. It links you with varied devices and shows you multiple sites from your office. Here, in this article, we are going to give you GoldnetHVR software for Windows OS, Mac OS, and Android OS.

This software is given in a compressed file form. To get it, you have to decompress the file. We have also given here to guide you through the complete downloading and installation process in a step by step procedure. Every step is covered with a diagram.

It gives you a complete picture of the installation system. It is guided here for Windows OS. By applying a similar methodology, we can do it for Mac OS.    

How Is CMS Wizard Useful For CCTV Monitoring?

Content Management System is the full form of CMS. A CMS is an application that can store, index, search & retrieve, revise, record and play data for you. It means it can do so many functions at a time that is beyond our imagination.      

With its help, we can connect many devices and operate them. The biggest advantage of this app is that you can access those multiple devices from any remote location. It means you do not need to be present at those locations for supervising and monitoring.

It saves your time and energy. You can engage your energy and time in some other useful pursuit.

Take an example that there are 7 sites which you have to monitor. Every site has 10 cameras integrated with each device. It means, there are 70 cameras installed in all. It further means that these 70 locations are sensitive, that is why cameras are monitoring these localities.

You have an office at a different place and you want to monitor all these 70 CCTV Cameras from your office on a single screen. CMS Application is the only thing that can make it possible. This is the beauty and usability of the CMS.

What Is A GoldnetHVR For PC Software?

The GoldnetHVR is designed and marketed by Retro Technology. It is a Turkish company. The company has many security surveillance products. It has DVRs, NVRs, IP Cameras, PTZ Cameras, HD cams, Accessories, etc. The company was established in 2005 in Istanbul, Turkey.

This software is very effective in monitoring cams. It can connect with many devices and relay seamless video. The remote access is superb as the app uses advanced data technology. It auto-corrects data relay in low networking areas.  

Features and Functions Of GoldnetHVR Wizard

This CMS Wizard App has varied quality attributes. It helps us in using this app in the best and most dominating manner. These functions are important to grasp. We have to know these features and functions, to use this application in the best possible way. 

  • GoldnetHVR for Windows 11It provides us live view without any time lag
  • The real-time relay keeps the vigilance real
  • The application provides you with the power to control PTZ devices from remote areas.   
  • The application allows you to pan the device, tilt it and zoom in on the PTZ cam.
  • Night Vision is sharp and clear. You can see everything clearly and trace faces. 
  • The Wizard can record activities, playback them, and take snaps. This way you feel more protected.
  • Even if you are not monitoring 24 * 7, if any untoward incident happens in your absence, it is recorded
  • It can distinguish sound. The two-way audio makes this app even a lot more powerful. 
  • The consumer can speak with somebody who is on the gadget side. 
  • It is also very useful in chasing away suspects and intruders who are doing some nefarious activity on the cam end.
  • You can shout at them or raise an alarm to alert others
  • This application is sensible and intelligent. It sends messages and alert alarms to the consumer suspecting any threat
  • The resolution that this app provides is excellent. The images are pellucid
  • The device supports sensors. It can distinguish sound and motion. It can also recognize threats in particular zones. For that, you have to feed sensitive areas in the program list.

Download Free GoldnetHVR For Windows OS

It is given here in a squeezed file format free of cost. For that, you have got to un-squeeze the file. When you have obtained the file, select the installation option. Here, we’ve done the whole installation method for you.

It will guide you to do it yourself. Every step has been taken care of and explained with images. It is easy. There are 3 steps you need to understand.

Step-1 is the Installation part, step-2 is the Login part, and Step-3 is the Adding of the Device & Monitoring of the cameras part.

Download Free GoldnetHVR For Mac OS

The company has not given the link for Macintosh PCs. So you can not have a download link for Mac OS. But if you still want to monitor cams on your Mac OS, then you have to load Windows over Mac.

It can be done by using the Android Emulator, like Bluestacks, etc. You can also download Android OS over Mac OS. 

Download Free GoldnetHVR App For Android OS

GoldnetHVR for Windows 12

It is given here for the Android Application. You will get this application on the google play store. We’ve given here the transfer button for this app below.

Press the link and get the file. Load it and install it on your smartphone. After that add the device. For that scan the QR Code. The app will instruct you in certain steps.

Follow them and it will add the device. The camera will appear on the mobile screen.   

Installation Of The XYZ Application For Windows OS

Here, you’ll get the whole installation method. Extract the file and double-click the set-up file. It is done here in three steps. In the first step, we will guide you to monitor cameras.

In the second step, we will give the login procedure. In the third and the last step, you will learn about adding the device and monitoring cameras.

Step-1 Installation Of The App

The application setup file is received after extracting the link file. Double click the set-up file. This window opens for you.

GoldnetHVR for Windows 1

Select the language option of the Wizard. Here we have selected ‘English’ as the language. After that press the next button.

GoldnetHVR for Windows 2

Here, the app welcomes you and asks you to close all other tabs before installing this Wizard. Do follow the instruction and press the next button. This page opens.

GoldnetHVR for Windows 3

This page asks you for the path of the downloading and the name of the folder where it will empty all its content. Press the next button.

GoldnetHVR for Windows 4

This window is showing you all your selections regarding the installation of the app. If you want to make any change in the selection, do it by pressing the back button.

If you are fully satisfied, press the next button. The following window appears.

GoldnetHVR for Windows 5

The installation begins. it takes only a few seconds to load the file. When it has installed all the contents, it will notify you.

GoldnetHVR for Windows 6

This way the first step of installing the app is finished.

Step-2 Log In The CMS Software

To log in to the software, open the app. To open the application, you have to double click the icon of the Wizard.

GoldnetHVR for Windows 7

By default, the Username is “super” & the password is blank. No password is given. You can create a password of your choice. Press the login button.

GoldnetHVR for Windows 8

It is the Homepage of the application. This is the process of logging in to the application.

Step-3 Adding Devices & Monitoring Cameras

We open the Homepage. Go to the system column and press the Device Management button. The following window opens.

GoldnetHVR for Windows 9

Here, you have to fill in the IP address, port, device name, username, and password. Give these details, and press the OK button.

The device will be connected and cameras appear on the screen.

GoldnetHVR for Windows 10

This way we will monitor cameras. We can add as many devices as possible.


The GoldnetHVR CMS Wizard is discussed here in this post. We have also discussed the installation of the app, logging in to the software, and adding the gadget. The features of this software were also explained. The link button was also shared.

If you find any difficulty in loading, installing, or adding, please share the queries. We love to serve you.

Thank You.

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