Artificial intelligence CCTV is a CCTV camera that can think like the human brain. The Artificial intelligence CCTV is basically a processing of the image with the help of deep learning algorithm and after processing you will get information. Artificial intelligence CCTV camera is just like CCTV operator that will give you information which you mean.
Artificial intelligence CCTV

I will give infographics comparison of 100 cases in which CCTV recording as required, you can judge how to use artificial intelligence camera is.
Artificial intelligence CCTV Graph

To understand in the more better way I will put an example so that this topic will clear in the more better way.
If two camera is installed at the main gate of an industry then what is the use of that camera, you need information and activity which is happening at gate, like how many people entered in the industry, number of vehicle passing from gate, may be you need vehicle number of all vehicle which are entered in the premises, you may wish for how many visitor visiting in premises, you may wish that how many time you regular staff passing from gate. So these are the activities that you need to watch, for this you put CCTV operator who can process all information and send you detail log but with help of artificial intelligence CCTV camera, you can find the automatic log of these activities. So from the above example, it is more clear that what actually artificial intelligence camera is.
To understand technically artificial intelligence CCTV camera is a simple IP camera but it is embedded with Artificial intelligence Software, So According to need they develop Artificial Intelligence software’s. There are many kind algorithms and software like
Facial reorganization- it will allow you finds people in a crowds place like railway stations, Airports, stadiums.

Artificial intelligence CCTV Thermal sensing
Thermal Sensing Camera – it will allow you to measure the temperature of the particular object. It will install at a temperature sensitive place like industrial boiler etc. In this reference will give on incidence of my life, In 2014 I was in china with one of my friend who was suffering from fever, he take some medicine and will go for work in other city but when we reached at the railway station, they not allow to board my friend and we were shocked to hear that due to my friend sickness they will not allow us and after investigation they allow us for board.

Number Plate Recognition Cameras- this camera allow you to recognize the number of vehicle and along with that it also stored the vehicle log. This camera is used in traffic management and traffic monitoring. It is also called automatic number plate reorganization (ANPR).

Speed Camera-This camera allow you to measure the speed of the vehicle. It is used in traffic management and also control over the speed of the vehicle.
Smart Alarm System-This camera allows you to track the object, when you remove the object you get the notification
Object Counting- This technology allows you to count the number of object in a selected area, this counting include any object like the incoming and outgoing object of people etc.
Crowd Density counting- This technology allows you to know the density of the object in the crowd as the number of the object put at a particular place.