CCTV Tools That You Must Have In Your Tool Box

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Here, we are trying to turning your focus towards some important CCTV tools, which can be useful to increase the efficiency of work. These cctv tools are available in the market. Before we start, Just think about those problems which commonly occur at the installation site.

These problems are very small but we have to spend lots of time. Using these cctv tools, you can do a smooth installation. so let us start from the first.

How Many Types Of Tools Have In Tools Bag Of CCTV Technician

Some CCTV tools must have Every CCTV technician or any technician of another field must have a perfect tool bag, you must have every single tool because you may have to need any small tool at any time. Now I am going to talk about CCTV technicians.

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First of all, you must have a bag of large capacity with many small sections in which you carry a Drill Machine(with all sizes of bits), Hammer, Screw Driver(large, small and medium), Pliers, Cutter, Tester(for electricity), Small Screw Driver set, Stripper, Krone Punch tool, Lan Cable Tester, Soldering Iron, cat6 Cable and Video Balun ETC.

Now I will tell you about some other Electronics tools in detail that you must have in your bag. 

These are the following CCTV tools

1. CCTV Tester

CCTV tester has come to the first name in your mind if you talk about CCTV tools. It is a very useful device. If you want to have a CCTV tester in your CCTV tools, then one thing to keep in mind is that you have all the connecting ports in it, like HDMI, AV, VGA and also LAN port for IP camera.

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So if are going to install a CCTV camera at big premises then a CCTV tester can save your precious time. If you want to check the CCTV camera is working or not you can directly check it to connect with the CCTV tester port without any wiring.

In the CCTV tester, there is a jack/port of BNC, DC and adapter with a very good HD colour display of about 3.5 cm in which you can see each detail. The system automatic recognise the NTSE/PAL home network cable test function.  

2. Walk- Talky

Everyone knows about walky-talky. It can be a very useful tool for CCTV installation engineers. If you are at a place where does not mobile network and you have a need to talk with your technician/engineer who is away from you on-site then it can save you lots of time.

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In a walkie talky there is a transmitter and a receiver through which it sends and receives voice messages. A walky-talky has a long-range of connection about 2KM to 5KM in an expensive. In a medium range of walky-talky about 0.5 to 2 KM in much expensive and useful for us.

3. Power Bank

A portable power bank includes a special type of battery in a cover case with the connections of circuit control power. It long lasts about 2 to 3 days on a one-time charge.

In completion of the CCTV toolbox, You must have a power bank in your CCTV toolbox. You can use a 12V battery with a DC connector. There are some ready-made power banks are also available. 

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The main benefit of the power bank is, you can power up your camera everywhere for some time. No need to find power sockets just put them on camera and make your work complete.

4. LAN Tester

Now the fourth one is the LAN tester. A LAN tester is stand for the LOCAL AREA NETWORK, in LAN both wired and wireless networks are includes, a LAN tester is used to test all the devices that have different IP addresses LAN cable is also used for checking the devices that have unique MAC addresses. BUY LAN TESTER

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It is very to use, just put both sides of LAN wire into each unit of LAN tester and LAN tester let you know that it is proper punched or not. So I think you should have when you are installing CCTV cameras.

There are many types of LAN tester it has a battery for the testing and the remote use for the power passing from ETHERNET Cables. the device is uniquely for the LAN system.

There Are Mainly Three Types Of LAN In Broadly Use:

  1. to ascertain the cabling RJ45 connector precisely to the wire.
  2. to verify the connection are correctly joint.
  3. the cable tester is used for the checking of network connectivity and strength.

5. Multi Meter

The most important tool that you must have in your CCTV tools, The multimeter. If you don’t know how that how to use a multimeter then you must learn this. Multimeter tells you everything about your CCTV wire and the devices that you purchased.

It is also used for the electronic device that you purchased it is working or not we can check it by using the multimeter like cables, power adapter, BNC DC pins etc. 

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If we install every device without checking and it does not work then we feel disappointed and lots of time being waste and some parts also get waste. That’s why we must have used this product for avoiding all of these problems.

So these are some CCTV tools that you should have in the toolbox. If you want to add some to the list then comment on us in the comment box.


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