MVS Pro For PC is a security monitoring CMS. It links you with various devices and shows you surveillance cameras from any remote location. Here, we are giving you the installation of MVS for Windows OS, Mac OS, and Android OS. It is an incredible application for connecting numerous gadgets from distant areas.
The CMS Wizard is given here has files in a compressed file format. You have to de-compress them to get them to load on your PC. After that, you can install it on your computer.
Here, we have given the data about the “MVS For PC Application”. The article will tell you in detail that you have to install it. It has to be done in three simple steps. Installing the app, logging in to the app, and adding devices with the app. You can use this application for Windows OS, Mac OS, and Android OS.
We have given here a well-explained installation process for Windows. The process has been explained with screenshots of images of every step. By learning it, you will be able to do it yourself for various other PCs. Go bit by bit, learn, and do it. You can easily do it by learning from here.
What Is Content Management System And How Does It Function?
A CMS has a full form as a “Content Management System.” It can manage and publish web content. It supports multiple users to contribute, design, modify and publish without having to hire a developer. It is very useful and user-friendly.
CMS Wizards for CCTV are very handy as they give the opportunity to connect many devices with the application and allow us to monitor them from remote locations. You can monitor property, watch live views, manage playbacks, and take snaps from it. You can use it for your PCs and Android smartphones.
It can associate numerous cameras with it at a time. It can add more than 512 cameras on a single screen.
What Is MVS Pro For PC Software?
This Wizard assists us to add different gadgets to this single application from different remote spots. For that, we need to add these gadgets with their IPs. This App is designed and manufactured by WatchNET Security.

WatchNET is the main provider of value video and observation gear. Since its establishment in 2000, it has been giving profoundly grown, seriously valued advanced video arrangements. Its corporate office is located in Canada.
With its devotion to providing quality and trusted client support, WatchNET has dominated in creating authorized items that take customary security to another level.
Features and Functions Of MVS Pro For Windows & Mac OS
This CMS Wizard App has numerous quality attributes. It helps us in using this app in the latest and most dominating way. These functions are important to know. When we know them, we use them.
When we don’t have any familiarity with them, we will not be able to use them to their full capacity. The following are its functions.
It gives us a live view with no time delay
- The application gives us the opportunity to operate PTZ devices from far-off areas where we are monitoring them.
- The application allows us to pan, tilt, and zoom the PTZ cam. It simplifies the process to operate devices.
- Night Vision is sharp and clear. You can see everything. The idea of night vision is splendid and enlightening. You can view clear images in the darkness of night without any problem.
- Records, playbacks, and takes snaps from anyplace
- It can distinguish sound. The two-way audio makes this app even more powerful. The client can talk with someone on the opposite end, where the cam is integrated, pass any message, and even terrify an interloper by shouting at him or raising an alarm.
- This application is smart and intelligent. It sends pushup messages and alerts to the client
- The resolution of the application is incredible. It gives us translucent pictures.
- The Sensors are supported by this CMS. With the help of these sensors, the CMS can detect suspicious activities through motion and audio.
Download Free MVS Pro For Windows OS
It is given here in a squeezed file format free of cost. You can download it. For that, you have to extricate these files. After getting them, go for installation. Here, we have done the entire installation process for you.
You can get it and gain it from them too. It is easy. There are three phases you want to follow. Step-1 is the Installation part, step-2 is the Login part, and Step-3 is the Adding the Device part.
Download Free MVS Pro For MAC OS
The Wizard has given the link in the compressed file format for MVS Pro For Mac OS. You have to decompress the file format. After it, you have to install it on Macintosh PC. We have given here the complete installation process for Windows OS.
It can guide you to do it yourself for your PC. Here the link is given in the download button format. Click the button to load it.
Download Free MVS For PC Application For Android OS

It is given here for the Android Application. You can get this application on the google play store. We have given here the download button for this app below. It is given here for the client’s facility. Press the link and load it on your smartphone.
For adding the device you have to scan the QR Code. Scan it and follow the instructions suggested by the app. You will be connected to the device and monitor your property.
Installation Process Of MVS Pro For Windows OS
Here, you will get the complete installation process. The first thing to do is to open the folder where these files are kept. They are in encrypted form. De-compress them and load them on your Windows PC. Now, we will install it. It is done in three steps.
Step-1 Installation Of The App
The moment you double-click the application to install, it opens a window for you to ask for selecting the options. You tick the option as per your requirement and click the next button.

When you press the next button, the following page will open for you.

Here, you have to select the path of installation and the folder where it will store these contents. Select them judiciously and press the Install button.

The installation begins. It takes a few minutes to load the entire content. Once it is through, it will open another window for you to inform.

This message indicates that you have successfully installed the app. Now the next step is to Log In to the application.
Step-2 Log Into The Application
To log in to the application, when you open the app it will ask you to create a password.

Create a strong password. A strong password is safe and hard to crack. Try making a password that is a combination of the upper cap, lower cap, character, numerical, and alphabet.

After creating a password of your choice, press the Next button. This window will open for you.

Here, you have to answer a few simple questions. These questions are given, in case you forget your password and want to re-create a new password, then for confirmation, these questions may be asked to you again. Answer them and press the ‘Finish’ button.

Here, on this page, you have to log in. Your default username is “admin”, and the password is that which you have created.

This way we log in to the app.
Step-3 Adding the device & Monitoring The camera
Here, after logging in to the app, we go to the homepage of the CMS app. Click the “+Add” button. It will open the page to connect the device.

We put in all the details being asked for adding the device. The device name, the IP address, username, and password. After giving these details, click the “Add” button. The device will connect and cameras will appear on the app.

This way, we can monitor our sites. We can connect multiple devices by using the same process.
This MVS application has been thoroughly discussed and practically done for you. It is used for Windows, Mac, and Android smartphones. The features of this application have also been evaluated.
The step-by-step installation process is done for giving you an idea so that you can do it yourself. I hope, you would have enjoyed this process. Please share your responses in the comment section.
Thank You.